
NVCA has run numerous campaigns over the years with many of them running concurrently.

1980s – focused on nuclear disarmament, social justice, pesticide use, pollution, urban development in environmentally sensitive areas, local government processes, Nambucca River health, estuary dredging, town water fluoridation and native forest logging.

1990s – focused on gravel extraction from the Nambucca River system and native forest conservation.

2000 – 2003 – NVCA worked with local residents to successfully oppose flood plain gravel extraction proposal on Dyers Loop. Our campaign triggered a Commission of Inquiry into the proposal which ultimately recommended that the DA be refused due to environmental and social impacts.

2005 – NVCA through the Environmental Defenders Office challenged Nambucca Shire Council (NSC) in the Land & Environment Court over procedural errors in its determination of a rural residential development in prime koala habitat at Valla.  Our challenge was successful and NSC was required to reconsider the Development Application following the legally required process.

We are researching a mountain of archived documents and images with the intention of  presenting a much more detailed history of the NVCA’s work in the Nambucca Valley and beyond, over the past three decades.  Please contact us if you have any images or stories which may help build this page.